Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The first two workshops are going to be

Wednesday, December 1st at 6pm in Clark A205
Wednesday, December 8th at 6pm in Clark A205

In the first workshop, we're going to be making a high-low game with LEDs a switches.  It's a crash course on programming and an intro to basic circuits. This will also be where you pick up your Arduino and components kit.

The second workshop is going to cover analog circuits, designs, and sensors.  I'm still designing the project.

You will need your laptop (please charge before coming), your breadboard w/ jumpers, and a notepad if you want to take notes.  I'll try to bring an extension cord and a power strip for anyone who needs to plug in their laptop.

If you do not have a laptop available, please contact me (you all have my email) and I can lend one out during the workshops. Make sure to bring a flash drive to save your files onto.

I will have the workshop project posted on Instructables.com for future reference as well - the link can be found on the resources site (when available).

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I've made another sister site with resources to clean this one up a little bit.  It is still under construction, but you can find it here: csuieeedesignresources.blogspot.com.

The Arduinos have arrived!

I made a special trip to Sparkfun yesterday to pick up our Arduinos! I've got to wait until next week to pick up most of the other components, but right now you all have a brand new Arduino Uno, a 6ft USB cord, and some Sparkfun stickers  :)
There was Uno Arduino to rule them all.....

Box o' bags of awesomeness
Who reads the manual?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Registration Update

Registration has closed* and we have 15 registered entries into the competition.

*If you would like to enter late, we do have a couple late openings.  Please send me an email at electricityandairwaves (at) gmail.com if you would like to join ASAP.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Info Meetings

There are two info meetings.  Your team must attend one of them.  If you do not attend, we cannot order your team an Arduino, components, and supplies you will need for the competition and workshops.

Meeting times and places:
Thursday, November 18th @ 6pm in Clark A202
Friday, November 19th @ 6pm in Clark A202

Entry fee:
Please bring your team's $15 entry fee to help us pay for components ($7 if you already own an Arduino) to one of the info meetings. We can accept cash and checks written to "Eta Kappa Nu".

If your cannot make a meeting or the fees, please contact me at electricityandairwaves (at) gmail.com

If you would like to purchase a breadboard and jumper kit (which you WILL need), they will be available for $30 (cash only) at the meetings, workshops, and project nights.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Last day to register!

Alrighty folks, TODAY is the last day to register.  If you haven't done so already, please go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HVF62QW and fill in your information.

If for some reason you are unable to register via the link, please send me an email to electricityandairwaves (at) gmail.com with the following information:
*Phone Number:
*Current address (the one we'd send a letter to YOU):
*Teammates (if applicable)

*I also need to know the following:
*Are you experienced in circuitry?
*Are you experienced in programming?
*Do you own basic electronics tools (multimeter, wire strippers, soldering iron, ect)
*Do you own a breadboard?
     *If not, would you like to purchase a breadboard and jumperset from IEEE?
*Are you familiar with the Arduino?
*Do you own an Arduino or Arduino clone?
*Do you have an idea of what you would like to make?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Registration Extension and Meetings

The due date for registration is being extended to Monday, November 15th.

There will be two meeting sessions following the end of registration.  You are required to attend at least one.  The times and places will be announced as we get closer to them. There will be one on a M/W/F and another on a T/R to accommodate people's schedules.